Throughout the year Special Events are held to celebrate occasions, acknowledge excellence and or raise funds for specific purposes. Notification of events will be given on the School Calendar and in the School Newsletter.
Book Week
During Education Week or Children's Book Week, usually in Term 3, the school holds a special day where parents of the school are invited to come along and visit their childs classroom, watch the Book Character Parade (where the students dress-up as their favourite Book Character) and purchase a book from the Book Fair. This is organised in conjunction with class teachers and the Librarian and is based around a theme from children's literature. Books nominated for awards are featured in the library in the week leading up to Book Week.
Students in Stage 3 (Years 5 & 6) attend an overnight camp to Bathurst or Canberra. These rotate annually.
Students in Stage 2 (Years 3 & 4) also attend camp.
Camps are regarded as an invaluable opportunity for children to engage in social and outdoor activities in a live-in setting. Interpersonal skills, self discipline, peer support and self esteem are all improved as part of the Camp program.
From time to time your child may be asked to attend class excursions as part of their education program. A permission note is sent home which provides information about the excursion and it must be signed by the parent or caregiver if the child is to attend. Payments to the school are made online through the School Website. On the day of the excursion, children are required to wear school uniform, sensible shoes and hat, (unless otherwise stated), bring their lunch in a plastic bag with their name on it. Drinks should be those available in soft packaging (not glass or aluminium cans).
Education Week
Education Week is celebrated for Double Bay Public School during Book Week in Term 3. This was decided on by parents and teachers at the school, that it would be better to combine the two activities. See Book Week details.
School Open Day
Every year, during Book Week, the school holds an Open Day. Parents of the school are encouraged to come in and view school work and displays and participate in a variety of activities.