At Double Bay Public School, we support every student to achieve their educational potential, regardless of background, through the provision of explicit teaching strategies and high-quality teaching in a supportive learning environment.
High potential students are those whose potential exceeds that of students of the same age in one or more domains (creative, physical, socioemotional and intellectual). Their potential may be assessed as beyond the average range across any domain. They may benefit from an enriched or extended curriculum and learning opportunities involving content and skills beyond the typical level of students of the same age.
Gifted students’ potential significantly exceeds that of students of the same age in one or more domains. Leading gifted education experts commonly estimate that 10% of students may be considered gifted. They typically develop talent and achieve mastery notably faster than their similar-aged peers.
Highly gifted students’ potential vastly exceeds that of students of the same age in one or more domains. Highly gifted students have potential assessed in the top 1% or less of age peers. Highly gifted students may require specific and more significant curriculum adjustments to meet their learning and wellbeing needs.
Domains of Potential
Intellectual domain refers to natural abilities in processing, understanding, reasoning, and the transfer of learning.
Creative domain refers to natural abilities in imagination, invention and originality.
Social-emotional domain refers to natural abilities in self-management and relating to and interacting with others.
Physical domain refers to natural abilities in muscular movement and motor control.
Provisions for High Potential & Gifted Students
The school coordinates the provision of developmentally appropriate and engaging programs for students who are gifted and talented in the intellectual, creative, socio-emotional and physical domains.
Teachers select and implement a variety of teaching strategies and learning experiences to engage the interest of gifted and talented students, challenge their capabilities and enrich their daily experience of schooling. This is achieved through a variety of strategies at a whole school, classroom and extra-curricular program level.
Whole school
The school implements evidence-based programs, practices and procedures so that high potential and gifted students’ specific learning needs are identified and addressed.
The school staff includes a range of specialist teachers, a HPGE teacher, music and languages teachers, to cater for high potential and gifted students across a range of domains. These staff are supported by our Assistant Principals of Curriculum Instruction. School Sport and PSSA also provide additional opportunities for students across the physical domain.
The school facilitates opportunities and encourages participation in programs within, and outside the classroom to provide opportunities for high potential and gifted learners in a range of domains.
The collaborative planning process enables the creation of differentiated learning programs which support the needs of HPGE students. There is a strong focus across the school on promoting creative and critical thinking and rich and open-ended tasks, through the widespread use of inquiry learning and project-based learning.
The school may form one or more classes which are aimed at providing a specialised learning environment that enhances and broadens the curriculum and caters to the specific learning and wellbeing needs of identified HPG students.
The school may also form small enrichment groups throughout the year that are aimed at broadening curriculum through engagement in specific tasks. This is done to support the development of identified HPG students.